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  • National Politics

An open Letter to John Cornyn and the NRSC

Posted by Midas Mulligan on July 17, 2009

An open Letter to John Cornyn and the NRSC


Senator Cornyn,

It is a disgrace that you have come out and endorsed Charlie Crist in Florida for the Senate, over Marco Rubio.  You people are doing the same thing that was done in 2008, when the party ended up with Senator McCain as our nominee.  I am so tired of politicians endorsing RINO’s over, and over and over.  We just got rid of Arlen Specter(thankfully) and now we end up with the NRSC endorsing a Governor who stood side by side with Barack Obama on the stimulus package.  How can you endorse Charlie Crist when he supported the stimulus, yet all of you voted against it except for Specter, Collins and Snow.  It appears to me that the Senate Republicans are willing to trade one abysmal Republican Senator in Arlen Specter for an even bigger failure in Charlie Crist, and do not even get me started about all of the talk 2 weeks in my state of PA regarding Pat Toomey and thankfully he dropped out Tom Ridge.  Do me a favor, please at least stay the hell out of PA politics because I and many other Conservatives within my state do not want you there at all!  I am so fed up with people like you in both parties that I wish we could vote you all out.  Looking in a mirror must be extremely difficult because the only thing you must see is a rat, because that is all you all are. 

I am fed up with people like you and other members of the NRSC endorsing a bozo like Charlie Crist.  What does it matter if we win the election if his vote is the same as Specter’s?  Go ponder that while becoming a Democrat!

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